Our office is fully equipped to assist patients with special needs or disabilities. Often, these patients have difficulty finding the proper dental care they need, putting them at risk for issues like tooth decay and other dental diseases. That is why our dental care is unique. We serve patients up to age 18, including those who may have:

Special needs dentistry can help patients benefit from individualized care and receive treatment in a more comfortable, calming environment. Our pediatric dentists will create a tailored approach when meeting with special needs patients and treat them with the best level of professional dental care. We can provide treatment for a variety of patients who have special needs, including autism, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and several others.

We will work with the patient as well as their primary caregiver to ensure the patient is receiving proper care according to their needs and their capacity to handle treatment. Our team will gladly explain all the steps of their treatment to their primary caregiver and walk them through each step of the process.

To learn more about how our office accommodates special needs patients, reach out to us today. We look forward to hearing from you!